Mohit Sindhwani
Hi, I'm Mohit Sindhwani. I work on technology for the transportation and mobility areas. I like programming and computing, dabble a bit in writing, and relish comedy. I'm on multiple platforms if you want to connect.
I work as the CTO for Quantum Inventions (QI), a company head-quartered in Singapore. We work on technologies and solutions for fleet mobility as a service and intelligent transport systems.
ITS in Singapore
I currently serve as a Councillor at the Intelligent Transport Society of Singapore (ITSS). Our vision is to be the champion for Singapore’s ITS and mobility community, towards transportation that enhances quality of life.
ITS Standards
I am currently the co-chair for Singapore's Technical Committee for standards for Intelligent Transportation Systems. We are actively working on improving the standards ecosystem for ITS in Singapore.
Long-form Writing
For the past few years, I have been writing long-form blog posts at notepad.onghu.com about diverse topics, but usually about technology and programming. Start at the top or go to some of the popular topics.
Other Interests
Beyond transportation, mobility, technology and programming, I also find myself drawn to these topics.
Languages: I understand English, Hindi, Bangla and Japanese
Education and Training
Understanding people and how they behave
Communicating with people
Numbers and facts: Making sense of numbers and data, and how people react to them
© Mohit Sindhwani, 2000 - 2024. All rights reserved.